lake murray

If you live in or around San Diego and have never been to Lake Murray, you must visit! It's a very different feel than the beach but wonderful and worthy in its own right! I am lucky enough to live really close by so I'm now offering shorter 30 minute sessions here and at a few other locations as part of my Basic session package. It's perfect for families, couples, or individuals that feel like a full session is too lengthy and/or out of their budget.

So here is a taste of what Lake Murray has to offer! A family reached out wanting a shorter session for their family of three so we decided my special spot at Lake Murray - a place I go with my own family to explore - would be perfect for their energetic and inquisitive 3 year old. You can see that even on an overcast day, the setting is lovely and unique and varied - all necessities for a good photoshoot location. If you are looking for something a little different and especially if you live in the neighborhood, I hope you'll consider Lake Murray for your next session!


I'm Morgan Miles

I'm a lifestyle photographer located in San Diego, California, specializing in families, maternity, and portraits. I'm a professor by day but have always needed an outlet to connect artistically with others. I've done photography on and off since college, but in the past five years my hobby has turned into a second profession. It is an absolute honor and joy to be invited into individuals' and families' lives and to be able to provide them with memories that will last a lifetime.

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